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Håkull-gruppen 75 år – Pressemelding

It is a strong name in the Norwegian Transport and Forwarding industry, which in 2021 looks back on 75 years of operation. We are quite proud, still being a family owned business in a market consisting of major constellations.

Todays owners are Gudmund Håkull (73), Kjartan Håkull (50) og Lena Håkull (47). The financial situation in the group is solid. Total turnover last year passed € 55 Million

Mr Tallak Hovstad (55) is another key person in the Group. He started in the company back in 1996. Today he act as CEO in Håkull Eiendom (Real Estate) and further taking care of finance in the Group.
In the early years, transport was the main business, but during the latest 25 years, also developing real estate has been a core business. Today, the two business areas Transport and Real Estate is approximately of the same size when it comes to financial result. Transport and real estate

Real Estate
Håkull Eiendom AS (Real Estate) were formed as own company back in 1988. The purpose of Håkull Eiendom AS was to build and develop terminals and offices for the various companies in the group. Today it consist of 15 own various plants and more than 70000 sqm rented out. 2/3’rds of these real estates are in Sandnes area. The rest is situated in Kristiansand (NO) and in Nørresundby (DK). Håkull Eiendom will continue to develop real estate on its own as well as together with other partners.
We also have plants in Kristiansand and Nørresundby (DK) for further develpoment.

Slowly started back in 1940, when Kristen Håkull from Skjold bought a farm at a place called Vølstad. The first truck was a reality in 1946, at a time when everybody was eager to get business running after the war. Our founder, in addition to run the farm, also soon expanding with more trucks. The activity grew and company moved to Ålgård (outside Sandnes), with residence some year before finally moving to Sandnes. In the 60’ ties, Håkull slowly started with trucks to and from Europe. Håkull did establish a net of branches in Norway.
Major structural changes became necessary during the 80’ties. Wilh Wilhelmsen purchased the inland part (National) of the company including the various branches. At this time, Gudmund Håkull was CEO and the business was concentrated on international borderi crossing transport and removals.

Towards the millennium, nice growth was the reality in the company and in 2000 Gudmund Håkull became more involved in the real estate and Kjartan Håkull, as third generation became CEO-in the transport part, he focus has been sales and market in the border-crossing business Lena Håkull have had various positions in the company, the last decade covering sales. She is also active in the board of Håkull Eiendom AS. Håkull AS counts approx 60 persons, together with Håkull Danmark AS approx 200

The border-crossing traffic, with well over 100 trailers in Håkull-uniform, you will find on the various roads in Norway, Scandinavia and in Europe. Dedicated hauliers and drivers, mainly Norwegian and Danish, deliver a splendid service as ambassadors towards our faithful and loyal clients. A lot of them has been in our service for decades, which also is the situation when we consider our valued clients.

In 2008 Håkull Danmark A/S became a reality. A plant purchased, consisting of 33000 sqm, in Nørresundby, just outside Aalborg. Terminal and offices opened autumn 2008. Strategic placed close to the highway E39, which runs through Denmark. The development since startup has been very positive and the company counts today 17 people. Håkull Denmark A/S cover all Norway as well as services in Europe.

Another product was added in 2009, Håkull Air & Sea AS, with seat in Sandnes. Although hard fight in this business, they have developed nicely with dedicated specialists in these areas, totally 6 persons. Their playground is World Wide.

The Group has also a company situated in Oslo, Håkull Shipping AS. works totally with containers on the Far East, as general agent represemting Yang Ming Line. This history goes more than 40 years back in time.

Establishing strong relationship towards suppliers has always been a main target. If we talk about hauliers, drivers, partners in Scandinavia, Europe (IFA) or elsewhere in the world. This in order to provide and secure our product – “Transport without limitations”.

We are well off considering the future and do register predictions in direction “more cargo” on the roads due to the flexibility of trucks/trailers, if they run on diesel, electricity, hydrogen or other “fuel” and/or will partly be without drivers. Technology and more use of digital services will make the necessary changes, but we are convinced that personal involvement, service and contact with our clients, for certain, will have an important impact in the years to come.