
The sustainability strategy for the Håkull Group is based on three key values: solid, professional and forward-looking.

In our business strategy, we want sustainability to be one of the key factors for success in property ownership, development and transport.

The strategy will help us work holistically, long-term and systematically with sustainability.

Our vision is to develop our properties to meet the needs of our tenants today and tomorrow. This means that we will be among the better companies when it comes to sustainable solutions.

Within transport, we must utilise the solutions we have in the best possible way that causes the least possible damage to the environment. We must at all times use the equipment that is best suited, but which must also be economically viable. Our efforts to find more sustainable solutions will initially focus on the following areas:

Sustainable development

At the Håkull Group, we have put energy and the environment on the agenda. In recent years, we have implemented measures to reduce energy consumption and make our properties more environmentally friendly. In terms of transport, we have endeavoured to use equipment of more recent vintage to reduce the impact on the environment. We will continue this work, but it must be anchored in good financial control.

Selection of focus areas for sustainability

Sustainability efforts must pay off - for us as a company, the environment and our neighbours. This means that we must concentrate our efforts on the areas where we have the greatest impact and that mean the most to our surroundings. In preparing our sustainability strategy and selecting focus areas, we have taken as our starting point the UN Sustainable Development Goals that we believe are most relevant to our business. We have chosen to focus on four of the SDGs, out of a total of 17, that we believe are most relevant to the companies' operations. Below we have described how we can contribute to achieving each goal.

Goal 3: Good health

By choosing environmentally friendly materials and ensuring well-functioning technical installations, we create a good indoor climate in our buildings. We must comply with all statutory HSE requirements. All properties and construction projects must be safe and healthy. In transport, we will choose subcontractors who share our goals for good health. This will be reflected in the choice of materials and that working conditions must be good and comply with all laws and regulations in this sector. We must facilitate good working conditions for our employees, for example with good working conditions in the office and in the car, opportunities for good food choices and facilitating sporting activities.

Goal 5: Equality between the sexes

WE want to facilitate an increase in the proportion of women in our workforce, and ensure that working conditions are favourable for this occupational group. WE seek to help young people enter our transport industry by contributing to education, courses, certificates, etc. so that they can develop in our organisation. We want to influence our regular subcontractors to facilitate the entry of women into our industries. We have good opportunities to increase the proportion of women, particularly in offices and in the removals sector, but we must also look for opportunities in transport in general.

Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

By building long-term relationships based on trust, we contribute to decent working conditions. The companies' internal guidelines help to create a safe and secure working environment. In property, it is particularly important in new construction that we choose the right subcontractors to ensure that hired personnel also have decent work with the right pay. In the transport sector, we secure large parts of our annual turnover from selected players on long-term contracts. We must ensure that they comply with our goals, working conditions and the environment. In the case of sporadic purchases of transport services, we must also check to the extent possible that these companies are working towards the same goals. Equality must also be taken into account under this goal. We want to facilitate an increase in the proportion of women in our workforce and ensure that working conditions are favourable for this occupational group. We also seek to help young people enter our transport industry by contributing to education, courses, certificates, etc. so that they can develop in our organisation.

Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

We choose energy-efficient and environmentally friendly solutions for both new buildings and existing properties. By keeping our properties in good condition and adapting them to changes in the climate, we contribute to sustainable urban development. We manage our transports so that they are maximised, thereby reducing environmental impact. Particularly in densely populated areas, the choice of transport equipment will be important in contributing to this goal.

Interested parties

We attach importance to maintaining a good and close dialogue with our customers, suppliers and partners, as well as with regulatory authorities and other stakeholders who are important premise setters for sustainable transport and property development.

This dialogue contributes to the implementation of the measures that have the most impact and create the most value - for us, the environment and our stakeholders.

Our key stakeholder groups are:

  • Tenants
  • Employees
  • Suppliers and partners
  • Society and surroundings
  • Banking and finance

Focus areas for sustainability

Climate and environment

Climate change is the greatest environmental challenge of our time. The property and transport industry is of great importance for Norway to achieve its climate goals.

Greenhouse gas emissions from real estate come primarily from energy and water consumption for the operation of real estate, transport and production of building materials and the use of fossil fuels in construction activities. From a lifecycle perspective, the climate footprint of the property sector is significant in society's climate accounts.

Through the management, operation, maintenance and development of our properties, Håkull Eiendom aims to create as much value as possible with the smallest possible climate footprint.

Through good operations in the transport companies, we must also choose and use materials that provide the most value with the smallest possible climate footprint. This applies to both the choice of material and the management of the material.

Resource utilisation


We monitor our energy consumption and work systematically to minimise energy use in order to achieve the best possible indoor climate in our buildings. When we renovate or build new buildings, we endeavour to invest in technology and solutions that enable the most energy-efficient operation possible throughout the life of the building.

We endeavour to use fuels for our vehicles that produce the least possible emissions and the smallest climate footprint, and biodiesel is currently the best option for our vehicle transport solutions. However, we are considering and purchasing alternative means of transport where this can provide a better solution.

Materials, reuse, recycling/recovery and waste

To reduce the amount of waste, we choose high-quality materials and technical installations and facilitate the reuse of furniture and interiors, for example. We facilitate source sorting and thus help to ensure that waste can be recycled into new materials or energy.

As far as possible, we avoid using products and materials that contain substances harmful to health and the environment. This makes it possible to reuse the materials or recycle them into new materials.

Safe buildings and communities

As a property company, ensuring health and safety is one of our most important tasks. By focusing on HSE internally in the organisation and among our suppliers, emphasising good maintenance of buildings and the best possible operation of technical facilities, we prevent unsafe and unhealthy situations and deviations.

Maintenance that creates value

The properties we own have great value both financially, for the environment and for their surroundings. One of the companies' most important tasks is to preserve and enhance these values through professional and sustainable management, operation and maintenance.

Management systems for quality, sustainability and internal policies

We have now started a project to describe our processes, routines and guidelines where we will formalise how we should or want to work. With this, we want to raise awareness among our employees and create a systematic approach to quality and sustainability, which will contribute to a robust and future-oriented organisation.